
5 Benefits of Having Plants in the Office

Posted by Jason Wyrwicz on Jun 4th 2021

Jason Wyrwicz

CEO @ Pots, Planters & More

Some of us think plants are a “nice-to-have”, while overlooking the benefits plants can bring to the office. Plants can do much more than just make a bland work area look interesting.

In this article, we look at how plants can improve morale and creativity in the workplace. We also share how plants can reduce not only stress but also improve people’s overall health.

plants in the office

Why Are Plants Good for the Office?

Plants are good for the office because it does not matter which angle you focus on — whether performance or mental wellbeing — plants are one of the easiest ways to boost both.

Did you know that it is in poorly maintained areas of cities, with dilapidated buildings and graffiti-marked walls, where some of the highest crime levels are typically found? Many times, when cities invest in these areas, crime rates fall, and business occupancy rates rise.

The same is true for office spaces. When people work in bland environments, their mood generally reflects their surroundings. However, it does not take a lot to change a plain, unadorned workspace into something more engaging and motivating.

A few furnishings, decorations, and plants and planters can improve any office or workspace. Once installed, they will continue to lift everyone’s mood, with little to no maintenance. As every manager knows: better mood equals better performance.

 How Do Plants Help with Productivity?

Plants help boost productivity in several ways. They make the work environment more pleasant, which positively affects people’s psychology. When people feel comfortable in their work environment, they feel less stressed and more energized to work.

One of the easiest ways to improve team performance is by enhancing the work environment. Having natural light and adding a few plants around the office will go a long way.

Creativity and morale are crucial for organizational success. If a few office decorations can boost both of these elements, then it is certainly worth it — both for your business’s success and for the mental wellbeing of your team.

The fragrances of some plants are also proven to lift people’s moods, creating a more positive work environment. One of these plants is the lemon balm plant, which creates a sweet, lemony fragrance. For a long time, smells have been known to have therapeutic effects on people’s moods, so consider creating your own natural aromatherapy in your office.

Another way plants boost productivity is by cleaning contaminants and pollutants from the air. Indoor air pollution comes from some of the most common items found in an office, such as carpeting, cleaning products, printers, or paper towels. Adding a few plants to your office can make a big difference — you’ll be surprised!

Do Plants Reduce Stress?

Plants are proven to reduce stress by improving the decor and by producing mood-lifting fragrances. We all know how difficult it is working in a cluttered environment and how a quick tidy-up can do wonders for work. Adding a few plants to your office takes it a step further by giving your eyes something beautiful to look at. Our elegant pots and vases complement your plants, giving them the ideal home.

Plants fragrances also help you to relax. Whether you like the smell of fresh woodland, citrus fruits, or an English meadow, you can choose plants that give off those particular notes. If you can’t take your work to the forest, why not bring the forest to work? Well, at least a small part of it.

Do Plants Reduce Sickness Rates and Absences?

Plants clean much more than just carbon dioxide from the air. Those little green wonders also work hard to clean contaminants and pollutants from the air, including formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, ammonia, alcohols, and acetone. These toxic chemicals are found almost everywhere in offices, from printers and photocopiers to carpeting and paper towels.

With the number of activities that go on every day in an office — such as printing, copying, walking on carpets, wiping surfaces with paper towels, etc. — it is no surprise how trace amounts of these chemicals can quickly accumulate. Moderate levels of some of these toxins lead to nose and throat irritation and an inability to think clearly, resulting in feelings of discomfort and stress. High levels of these contaminants, such as formaldehyde, are linked to respiratory damage and cancer.

Therefore, having plants in the office can improve the health of your staff, enabling them to focus on their activities while preventing serious and long-term illnesses.

Do Plants Help with Creativity?

According to the University of Berkeley, they do. Researchers found that a whole range of environmental factors could positively or negatively impact a team’s creativity. One of the easiest ways of improving your work environment is by including plants in your office interior design.

Plants lift the mood of the office, they enhance the style of your workplace, and people develop bonds with them, watching the plants grow with time. According to the study mentioned, a positive mood helps people carry out creative tasks more easily and with higher concentration levels. Therefore, plants are like Red Bull, but without the jitters!

How Can Plants Improve Indoor Air Quality?

Plants help to improve indoor air quality in many ways. The most widely known way is by removing carbon dioxide from the air and by releasing oxygen. This regular supply of oxygen keeps the air from feeling stale, and due to humans needing oxygen to live, well-oxygenated rooms help us to think and perform better.

Plants also remove harmful chemicals from the air. These chemicals can affect your team's performance and, over the long term, can lead to serious health conditions. Plants can both draw in toxic chemicals while simultaneously releasing oxygen — two very good reasons to have plants in your office.

Where Should Plants Be Placed in an Office?

This will depend on the plant. Most indoor plants are hardy and can survive in most conditions — out of direct sunlight, for example. But some, such as cacti, need regular exposure to sunlight. Our tall Saint Tropez vases are ideal for cacti, giving them maximum exposure to sunlight.

Generally, however, most plants can be put anywhere in an office, even at personal workstations. The question then might be choosing the plants and the locations that will have the most aesthetic appeal.


Besides the fact that indoor plants are small and cute, they really work wonders for an office environment. Buying plants for your team’s workstations or decorating the office with some colorful plants can significantly improve your team’s morale and creativity.

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Jason Wyrwicz

CEO @ Pots, Planters & More

Pots, Planters & More are your industry-leading provider of award-winning pots and planters. We specialise in custom-finish products of metal and fiberglass but provide a whole range of other options. Our ever-changing catalog of planter collections promises trendsetting design perfect for both interior remodeling and outdoor landscaping.